This is Chris and I am one of the owners here at Hit Run Steal. I am a former Major League Baseball player and a passionate teacher of the game.
Here at Hit Run Steal we are passionate about teaching and wanted to share some FREE hitting drills with you. We want to create a community of folks who are just as excited as we are about learning the game of baseball.
If you have any questions about baseball or softball, whether it be hitting, pitching, fielding, base running etc. please do not hesitate to reach out to us via Social Media with your questions.
We are here to help you!
Separation Hitting Drill
What is Separation and How Do I Get The Feel of Separation?
In this drill, Chris will show you what separation is and how do I get that feel in my swing. You will understand how to load your hands properly and get separation between your lower half and upper half. This drill will allow you to get the feeling of proper separation and build power in your swing.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Batting Tee
- Bat Bucket of
- Baseball/Softballs
Bottom Hand Hitting Drill
How do I use the bottom hand drill to work on extension through the baseball?
In this drill, Chris will show you how to use your bottom hand to learn the feeling of getting extension out through the baseball.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Batting Tee
- Light Bat or Choke Up On Your Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
Middle Of The Plate Hitting Drill
Where should you be making contact with the baseball/softball on a pitch down the middle?
In this drill, Chris will show you where you should place your tee in relation to home plate when working on hitting pitches down the middle. Chris will also explain where your stride foot should land when working on hitting pitches down the middle using a tee.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Batting Tee
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
- Bucket Top or Home Plate
Top Hand Hitting Drill
How do I use the top hand drill to get better swing path?
In this drill, Chris will show you how to use the top hand hitting drill to get a better swing path and understand where your top hand should be during the swing.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Batting Tees
- Light Bat or Your Bat To Choke Up On
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
2 Tee Hitting Drill
How do we train hitters to work out and through the ball and not around our body?
In this drill, Chris will show you how to use 2 tees to train your body to work down and through the baseball/softball. When your hips open, your hands have to work out and through the baseball/softball and not around your body.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- 2 Batting Tees
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
45 Degree Soft Toss
How do we get the feel of the top half of our body working against the bottom half of our body for more torque and power in our swing?
This soft toss drill sets your hips open to your hitting target and you will want to make sure that you load the top half of your body before you take a swing. This allows the hitter to understand how your body works against itself to create power. This drill also allows the hitter to feel what its like to keep his/her hands close to their body, stay inside the ball and not cast the barrel on their swing.
Items needed for this dril
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Partner
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
45 Degree Tee Drill
How do we get the feel of the top half of our body working against the bottom half of our body for more torque and power in our swing?
This Tee drill sets your hips open to your hitting target and you will want to make sure that you load the top half of your body before you take a swing. This allows the hitter to understand how your body works against itself to create power. This drill also allows the hitter to feel what its like to keep his/her hands close to their body, stay inside the ball and not cast the barrel on their swing.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Tee
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
Outside Pitch Hitting Drill
How do we teach our hitter to properly cover the outside pitch and hit the ball hard?
In this drill, the first thing we need to do is make sure the baseball/softball is set up in the proper place in relation to the player and his stance. Make sure that the ball is about an inch from the outside corner and about 1 baseball length from the front edge of home plate. The hitter should think about hitting a hard line drive right over the 2nd baseman's head.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Tee
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
Soft Toss Away Hitting Drills
How do we teach our hitter to properly cover the outside pitch and hit the ball hard?
In this drill, the first thing we need to do is make sure that person doing the soft toss is tossing the ball to the proper place in relation to the hitter's stance. If you are at a bit of an angle, you should aim at the hitters back hip. When the ball gets to home plate, it will be in the proper place for the hitter. The hitter should think about hitting a hard line drive right over the 2nd baseman's head.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
- Partner
Swing Path Hitting Drill
What is the proper swing path for our hitter?
In this drill we want the hitter to understand the proper path for their swing. We want the hitter to limit their lower body movement, so they concentrate on their hand and swing path. We want to make sure that we keep our hands tight to our body as the hands come forward to the baseball/softball. As we start to get to the ball, we want to extend our hands/arms out and through the ball. This will keep us short to the ball and long through our finish.
Items needed for this drill
- Net or Field To Hit Into
- Bat
- Bucket of Baseball/Softballs
- Tee