Move Fast!!! Down The Mound

Move Fast!!! Down The Mound

Move Fast!!! Down The Mound

As pitchers, we want to move as fast as we can down the mound and stay under control. The faster we move, the faster we throw. 

The analogy we use is a long jumper. Long jumpers work on their speed so that they can jump farther, the faster they run the farther the jump. This is the same with pitchers. If you go back and look at early Nolan Ryan pitching, you will notice that he moves really fast in his delivery and he is arguably the hardest thrower to ever live.

Another great benefit for moving fast down the mound is the ability of younger pitchers (7-10 year olds) to control their head during their delivery. When kids are that young their head is really heavy for their body and sometimes it can move and we want our head to be still during our delivery.

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